Monday, April 30, 2018

CombiWord : Word Puzzle


CombiWord is word puzzle game listed on Google Play store. Game is about to guess the Compound word from two images.
 This game already launched in January 2018 and liked by many people. Also continuously increased in new users. We are still making improvement within it and submitting new versions.

Game Details:
-A combine word is a word which is made up of two or more other words. For example, the word Cupcake is made up of two words, cup and cake. Similarly this app contains many examples of common compound words. You have to guess the one word for each image and think to write compound word from it.

Simple English vocabulary word lists.
Guess Popular Words
Given Different Levels.
Unlock each Levels by completing one by one each words.

-2-Picture 1-Word Activity.

-Correctly arrange the letters to form a word which describe shown Picture

How to play:
-The letters from the word is missing, shown with '_'.
-Select the correct Letter from below given alphabets.
-Once correct alphabet selected, it ask for next picture word.
-If you select wrong alphabet, then it ask again to alphabet.
-On Correct Answer, click on 'Continue' button to try next quiz.

 Game Screenshot :

Download app

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